Does Your Hair Affect Your Confidence?
Many women think of hair loss as a man’s problem. However, with the hormonal changes that occur during menopause, many women experience hair thinning and hair loss. This can cause many women to feel frustrated. In fact, some studies have reported that women express that a good hairstyle is one of the top factors in a woman’s self-confidence. While hair thinning can be distressing, hormonal treatment may help reverse some of these menopause symptoms.

Hormones control hair growth
Hair growth is controlled by a certain set of hormones. These hormones fluctuate throughout a woman’s life. During pregnancy, for example, many women experience an increase in certain hormones that leads to thicker, faster-growing hair. During perimenopause and menopause, these hormones begin decreasing. Up to two-thirds of women experience hair loss to some extent after menopause.
Can you prevent hair loss?
During menopause, women may notice other changes in hair prior to hair loss. For example, hair may start to appear more brittle, dry, or volume may decrease. These are early signs of hair loss. Experts recommend changing some cosmetic habits before seeking further treatment. For example, stop using hairdryers, straighteners, or curling irons for a short amount of time and see if symptoms improve. Many women also find improvements in hair growth through eating a nutritious diet high in biotin, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Balancing hormones with HRT
If lifestyle changes don’t improve symptoms, women have additional options. Many women who opt for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) see additional benefits of improved hair growth. Because low levels of estrogen are associated with hair thinning, HRT can help decrease hair loss. While the treatment may not reverse hair loss that has already occurred, hormone therapy can help stall hair loss and increase hair thickness.
HRT options
Hormone therapy is available in gels, creams, patches, or pills. The treatment is recommended for women who experience premature menopause, have severe hot flashes, or have lost bone mass. Women who have had breast cancer, are at high-risk for blood clots, or have abnormal bleeding are usually not good candidates for HRT.
Speak with a women’s healthcare provider
While hair loss can be frustrating for women, treatment options are available. Balancing hormones through HRT may be an option for some women looking to prevent hair thinning. Women interested in HRT should speak with a healthcare provider who specializes in women’s health for more information.