What Is The Difference Between A Wellness Visit And A Physical?

A wellness visit differs from a physical examination in a few key ways. A wellness visit can be thought of as a consultation between a physician and a patient. Annual wellness visits are scheduled with a person’s primary care provider. The visit is a way for a patient to connect with the provider and discuss any questions or concerns. Patients do speak to providers during routine physicals, but the visit also includes physical examinations and possibly testing.

MY Texas Health Care OBGYN Get Your Annual Wellness Visit Why Preventative Care Is More Important Than Ever

Filling out the health risk assessment

A health risk assessment is a questionnaire a doctor uses to determine the patient’s current health status and appropriate measures to address risks or unhealthy habits. Doctors will use this information to create a care plan that addresses these issues. Usually, the questionnaire is considered a screening tool that alerts doctors to a patient’s more pressing concerns.

Discussing the patient’s medical history

Another important part of the annual wellness visit is the conversation regarding a person’s medical history. Discussing the person’s family history will give doctors an insight into the risk factors a person has. For example, women with a family history of breast cancer are more likely to develop the disease. Therefore, doctors must create an action plan that includes preventative measures against the condition.

Measurements are critical

Doctors will also record a person’s vitals, including a person’s height, weight, and blood pressure. Checking a person’s vital signs is a routine part of any exam. During this time, doctors will offer health advice regarding maintaining a healthy weight and keeping blood pressure levels in a normal range.

How often should someone get wellness visits?

Like an annual physical, wellness visits can be booked once per year. The time of year doesn’t matter, as long as appointments are at least somewhat consistent. A person can get a wellness visit before or after a routine physical check-up. Providers work with patients to implement a screening schedule for examinations like mammograms and prostate exams. The doctor will also take the time to highlight any prescriptions the patient is taking.

See your OB/GYN

A healthcare provider can help patients schedule an annual wellness visit and further explain the process. For any questions, consult a healthcare provider or OB/GYN.

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