Choosing The Right Birth Control
Almost all women have used contraception at some point. Contraception does more than prevent pregnancy. There is a range of benefits, including pain management, reduced ovarian cysts, and even cancer prevention. What makes birth control difficult is the types and methods involved. These vary based on personal preference and health. Different kinds of intrauterine devices (IUDs), particularly hormonal and copper, have risen in popularity. To help determine the method that fits best, here are 5 tips to get started.

1. Yes, do Kegels regularly
The question sounds obvious, but the reasoning behind birth control is key. For instance, is birth control strictly for family planning? Or is the use of birth control for health issues like hormonal balance? Research the different types of birth control to examine the pros and cons of each. A clear purpose eliminates specific options and makes selecting the right choice more accessible.
2. Is it reversible?
Some methods of birth control can be long-term, which can put a damper on future family plans. Choosing a solution like sterilization may not be wise if there is hope for children in the future. Some women may also not like the side effects of birth control and want to opt out of the treatment. Choosing an IUD or birth control pills may be best.
3. Is it affordable?
Birth control can be costly. A woman should look into all birth control options and choose the most affordable option. Bear in mind that some contraceptives may be more expensive at first but lower in cost over time.
4. Are there any health complications?
Not all birth control options are healthy for everyone. For example, women over 35 who smoke may have unwanted effects from hormone-based birth control. This increases risk of blood clots and heart disease. Women who also have a history of breast or uterine cancer, active liver disease, or have migraines should avoid birth controls that contain certain hormones.
5. Get your doctor involved
Finally, talk to a doctor or visit a family planning clinic. The doctor will provide the best solution based on lifestyle, health, and other factors. For instance, an IUD can work well for a woman in a monogamous relationship where both parties have no STIs. IUDs can also help women with busy lifestyles who may forget birth control pills. The doctor can also provide birth control with the best success rates.
All about IUDs
Besides sterilization, birth control is not 100% effective. Among birth control options, however, an IUD has the best balance between ease of use and effectiveness. An IUD is a T-shaped device inserted inside a woman’s uterus. The IUD prevents the sperm from reaching and fertilizing the eggs. If used correctly, the effectiveness is at least 99% and lasts for 5-10 years, depending on the device. There are two general types of IUDs, namely hormonal and copper.
Hormonal vs copper IUDs
Along with the protection from sperm, hormonal IUDs release progestin into the body. This synthetic version of progesterone makes the woman’s monthly period lighter. Progestin also thickens the mucus around the cervix, making pregnancy more difficult. Hormone IUDs last about 5 years. Copper IUDs use the properties of copper to reduce sperm motility. There will be a slight difference in effectiveness, but these can last as long as 10 years. An OB/GYN can install and remove the IUD as needed.
Can all women use IUDs?
IUDs are safe, convenient, effective, and most healthy women can benefit. However, installing this birth control is not advisable for all women. Women with a previous STI, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), or another pelvic issue should not try an IUD. A doctor should also look into heavy bleeding, pelvic pain, or irregular bleeding before opting for an IUD.
Select the right birth control for you
Choosing birth control can be a confusing experience. There are different brands and types available. However, women can use these tips to choose the best one. Installing an IUD can bring effective, long-term protection against pregnancy. Hormonal and copper IUDs both have advantages. Make sure to speak with an OB/GYN to find the best one.