Timing Is Everything For Conception
For some people, pregnancy can seem like the most natural event in the world, with conception happening with minimal effort. And for other couples, getting pregnant can feel like a struggle for a variety of reasons. Assuming that other underlying issues aren’t at play that could cause infertility, many couples struggle to conceive because of poor timing. Two events must happen in quick succession for pregnancy to occur, sex and ovulation. So, when specifically is the best time to have sex for couples trying to conceive?

Start by tracking ovulation
Couples trying to conceive are encouraged to have sex often to improve conception chances. But the best time to get pregnant is when a woman is ovulating. So, the first step for any woman or couple trying to conceive is to begin accurately tracking ovulation. While a woman can rely on physical observations like changes in cervical fluid, light spotting, or even an increased sex drive, the method isn’t always accurate. Instead, experts agree that using a more effective method is best.
Best methods for tracking ovulation
The most effective ways to track ovulation are either by tracking basal body temperature or using an ovulation test. Of the two options, ovulation tests tend to be the easiest and are the least likely to present errors. Tracking basal body temperature requires a serious time investment and usually requires tracking temperature changes over several months. In contrast, ovulation tests can prove effective within one menstrual cycle.
So how should a couple have sex?
First, couples shouldn’t simply wait until ovulation occurs to have sex. Experts recommend that a couple have sex regularly throughout a month. A general guide recommends having sex three to four times a week, but the figure may vary based on a couple’s interest and schedule. Some research suggests that engaging in regular sex, even after conception, can improve a couple’s chances of successfully conceiving. However, in cases where a man is struggling with infertility, experts caution against having sex more than once per day as increased sexual activity can reduce sperm count.
So, when is the best time to have sex?
Hands down, the best times to have sex are just before and during ovulation. Experts recommend having sex for the three days before the expected ovulation and even up to the day of ovulation. And because the window with the highest success rate for conception is so small, being able to accurately track ovulation is critical.
Planning for baby
Trying to conceive can be a stressful time, but women and couples can take control by being mindful of when ovulation is happening. The myth persists that all women ovulate on the 14th day of a menstrual cycle. But in reality, many women don’t ovulate on day 14. So, using a reliable method to monitor fertility and planning to engage in sex just before and during that fertile window offers the best chances to successfully conceiving.