Does Age Really Impact Fertility Success?
Since the first health class taken in school, students are taught that a woman is born with all the eggs necessary for conception and that the quantity and quality of a woman’s egg supply dwindle with age. But while age is an important factor, there are many other issues at play that can impact a woman’s chance of successfully conceiving. Separate fact from fiction with the following myth-busting female fertility truths.

1. The pill delays conception
A common myth about birth control is that women on the pill may struggle to conceive within the first year after stopping oral contraceptives. However, the myth makes a lot of assumptions. First, there are combination pills and pills that are progestin-only. Because some pills have fewer hormones than others, the chances of faster conception after stopping the pill can vary. Likewise, when a woman stops taking the pill can also impact conception and determine how long before a woman’s menstrual cycle returns to normal.
2. 35 is when infertility strikes
While age does play a role in how successfully a woman can conceive both naturally and with fertility interventions, infertility or difficulty conceiving isn’t limited to women ages 35 and older. Fertility begins to decline in a woman’s mid-20s. And if a woman struggles with hormonal and reproductive issues such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, or even an irregular period, regardless of age, conception can be more difficult.
3. Ovulation always happens on the 14th day
No, ovulation isn’t always on the 14th day of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Likewise, all women don’t have 28-day menstrual cycles. The numbers 14 and 28 are meant to be general guides but shouldn’t be used solely for ovulation tracking. Women trying to conceive are encouraged to find a reliable ovulation tracking method to maximize chances for success.
4. Just have more sex
While having more sex can be a mood booster and encourage closeness between a couple, solely focusing on increasing time in bed doesn’t guarantee conception. For more sex to be helpful, a woman needs to accurately track the fertile period to ensure that the activity coincides with ovulation.
5. Eggs can be fertilized two days after release
Can an egg be fertilized after release? Yes, but not after 48 hours. According to research, an egg can be fertilized at most within 24 hours of release from the ovaries. So, a couple can successfully conceive after ovulation, but the process would require proper timing.
Fertility isn’t just a woman’s issue
One of the biggest misconceptions is to assume that fertility or infertility is a woman’s problem. Nearly a third of issues related to difficulty conceiving can be linked to malefactors, and in many cases, the underlying issues are present in both members of a couple. More importantly, people struggling to conceive should know that infertility is a common issue that many women and couples face. Women or couples who have struggled to conceive should speak with a fertility specialist for an evaluation and craft a treatment plan to address the issue.